Are you a fit?
What does it mean to be our ideal client? Is your company a fit for what we do? Are you ready to transform your operations and gain greater levels of efficiency? If so, you might be our ideal client.
We work best with companies that want to be better.
That want to grow and are ready to participate in that process.
It isn't at all about the industry or size that dictates our ideal client. It is about having the right attitude, focus, and desire to improve. That has to come with a willingness and understanding that it will take a commitment of time as well as an investment of resources and capital in the system. We have found that until that time is reached, our short- and long-term focus are not effective for companies. Mission-critical items are ignored, the system is underutilized, and workarounds are developed instead of processes.
Perhaps that is something that is familiar to your company right now. You implemented an ERP system, yet you still use Excel and notes, and maybe even post-it notes or emails, to communicate between sales, purchasing, and production. We will ignore how accounting is left out of the loop and never knows anything.
We have found that historically, the kind of company described above falls into the category of at least a mid-sized company, having been in business for at least 7 to 10 years with revenues that are above the 5 million dollar mark. This kind of company has hit a plateau in growth. They may have let their processes morph into whatever is easiest. They might often find themselves scrambling to shift and move production around, even more so with the delays in raw materials or inventory parts. This company is looking for ways to grow and become leaner in their operations. They have learned hard lessons about doing things on their own, and finding their own way has caused more issues in the long run than it has helped. They grossly underutilize their ERP system and are bleeding time, resources, inventory, and money.
They are looking for a way to grow, to become more efficient, and to essentially get back to the fundamentals of manufacturing.
Does that sound like your company?
Do you need to:
Get back in the groove Achieve more Increase your profit margin
Get refocused Grow your profit level Get your team more engaged in success
Get Back On Track
Improve Processes
Invest in a better future
Focus on Fundamentals